26 September Sermon
Watch must come together with prayer.
Watch must come together with prayer.
- builds focus
- concentration
- positively impact the other areas of my life
- &
- foster humility because I seek God for help.
- Builds compassion on others because I pray for others when they need help.
I pray in spite of fears & doubts.
As, seek, and knock.
Ask is to express my desire to God.
Seek is to seek for wisdom & direction to my desire.
Knocking is understanding that lead me to a door.
Watch & pray together.
Watch is to listen & observe attentively.
I watch my thoughts as they become my words.
I watch my words because my words create my world.
I watch my words because they become my actions.
I watch my actions because they become my habits.
Prayer is observing myself.
Habits become character.
I watch my character as it becomes my destiny.
As, seek, and knock.
Ask is to express my desire to God.
Seek is to seek for wisdom & direction to my desire.
Knocking is understanding that lead me to a door.
Watch & pray together.
Watch is to listen & observe attentively.
I watch my thoughts as they become my words.
I watch my words because my words create my world.
I watch my words because they become my actions.
I watch my actions because they become my habits.
Prayer is observing myself.
Habits become character.
I watch my character as it becomes my destiny.
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